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David Fink, PhD

Social Epidemiologist

David Fink, PhD, MPH, MPhil applies a multi-level life course perspective, coupled with causal inference methodologies, to understand the causes and consequences of substance use and disorder, with a particular focus on how state and national policy shape drug use and its attendant morbidity and mortality. He has published over 70 peer-reviewed articles, commentaries, and book chapters on the social causes of health, drug use, and addiction. His scholarship has brought attention to problems in the quality of research on prescription drug monitoring programs (PDMPs) and their effects, including an emphasis on neglected outcomes and unintended consequences. Fink has a passion for science communication and uses a multi-modal approach (e.g., scientific presentations, media reports, social media, trainings for key stakeholders) to disseminate addiction science research to a wide range of audiences. He has received several achievement awards for this novel approach to science communication as well as for his development of novel quantitative methods for the study of drug policy, and his service to the field of epidemiology. Fink is the past president of the Society for Epidemiological Research Student Postdoc Committee. Fink holds a PhD and graduate degrees in epidemiology from Columbia University. Fink is currently a postdoctoral research fellow at New York State Psychiatric Institute in the Division of Translational Epidemiology. I Google Scholar page I PubMed page

Product Type
On Demand

The Opioid Epidemic - What's Making a Difference

Brent Schillinger, MD |  David Fink, PhD |  Joshua Lenchus, DO
1 Hour 1 Minutes
$0.00 - Base Price

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