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Chris Clark, Senior VP of Public Affairs – Florida Medical Association

Chris Clark, Senior Vice President of Public Affairs, Florida Medical Association. 
For eight years, Clark was considered one of the most powerful non-elected officials in Tallahassee, serving as the lead staff person for Gaetz, most recently as Chief of Staff, the highest ranking staff position in the Senate. Clark supported Gaetz on issues such as the flow of legislation, bills chosen for committee and which amendments receive committee hearings. Prior to his work in the Senate, Clark served in several positions in the administration of Gov. Jeb Bush, including serving as his personal aide during the campaign and first two years as Governor. In 2009, he founded CM Consensus LLC, a Tallahassee lobbying firm. For the three years up to 2012, Clark also took leave from his administrative role to serve as Gaetz’s campaign manager, providing fundraising strategies, scheduling, event planning, and both direct mail and television advertising. Gaetz won his 2012 re-election bid for Senate District 1 with more than 74% of the vote. In his new role at FMA, the state’s largest medical industry support group, Chris Clark will oversee and manage the legislative agenda of more than 20,000 doctors statewide.